Why We Buy Religious Jewellery

Om Jewellery is something everybody wants to adorn. If talking on a light note, even the gods did. If seen in the picture or any idol, It is impossible to notice the amount of gold they carry. Well, it is not their fault, gold was supposed to be something abundant with them. Even the temples receive loads of jewellery in the times of festivals or otherwise. Well, that was all light talk. But seriously, Hindu gods and jewellery go together hand in hand. Then it is impossible to think of us mere mortals to be away from the lure. Jewellery is something that not everybody can afford, a fact that is too obvious, because of the price rise.

god gold pendant

Image Courtesy – god gold pendant

Well, to each his own. People still buy gold band rings Jewelry, in the face of marriages or in the face of necessary financial investments to be done for asset building. Buying in the name of god, is something Indians do periodically, as and when a festival approaches. It is to mark the occasion, and to bring something new and pure, and auspicious to home, through this. Buying gold during any festival time is considered to be the sign of wellness over the family. It is a way of telling the gods, that we are happy that you have seen over us, and to keep doing so.

Om jewellery, as in specific kind of modern jewellery design is bought at those times. The market for jewellery with the signs and symbols of god is huge in India. Not only in India, Indians all over the world buy them. God gold pendant, when worn at the times of adversities, gives courage to the sub-conscious mind, and fills the conscious mind with hope and strength of mind. Something that faith can only do to a man. It is thus very important to be having faith. Call it an investment option, or done for the gods, but something is there that promotes wellness when these things are bought. May be the fact that we are making ourselves secure gives the sub-conscious that feeling, but it definitely is a good thing to do.

We all want God Gold Pendant, to relieve unwanted stress off ourselves. The light hearted talk was not meant to tell that we do, what we do out of lure of pendants eternally beautiful piece of jewellery. We give the reason and feel justified because even our gods adhered to it. The thing is that, we do it out of our insecurity of the unknown. Something from which, no soul can run away.

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